Nov 8, 2022
If all the time, I'm a woman and I"m thinking about how I'm not
good enough. If I'm thinking about how clothes are looking on me.
If I'm thinking about all these other women around me who are
better than me. Then how can I focus on things that actually really
- Chardét Ryel
Today you get to hear from Chardét Ryel. She is a wellness entrepreneur and Behaviour Change Specialist, empowering women globally with body confidence and well-being beyond the scale. She is also the host of the Feel Good Nakd podcast for women and founder of Corpão Fitness, a Brazilian-inspired fitness brand.
Today we talk about:
Connect with Chardét:
Follow Chardét on Social:
IG: @chardetryel
FB: Corpão Fitness
Tiktok: @feelgoodnakd